Thursday, December 13, 2007

Rockin' it at WPLV!

Well, Terrence and I went to our first Wedding Professionals of Las Vegas meeting last night! It was more of a holiday bash than a meeting per say. The entrance fee was pleasantly just a donation of one warm blanket per person. Monday, December the 17th, all of those interested can partake in the blanket distribution to the homeless in Downtown Vegas.

The party itself was a lot of fun! Bear's Best really knows how to throw a shindig! The food there was absolutely amazing. My favorite was the pasta bar! I had never seen anything like it before at a wedding. Just tell the chef what toppings you want on your pasta - and he'd heat it up in a pan with your choice of sauce and mix in your pick of pasta! Mmm Mm! Deeeeelicious. Yes, I went back for seconds at the pasta bar!

We left a little early to pick up our almost five-month-old baby at his grandma's - the little fella didn't sleep the whole time we were gone! He looked soooo cute in his Tigger outfit, but I could tell he was completely exhausted!

All in all, we just had a fantastic night! I'm so glad we were invited to be a part of the circle of the Wedding Professionals of Las Vegas!

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